In the Matter of KR Hardy Estates Ltd v Richard Hardy & Ors (2014)

Judgment Date: 10 Dec 14

Summary The value at which a minority shareholder's shares in a family-run company were to be bought out under an unfair prejudice petition was to be assessed as at the date of the court order. That date had the advantage of certainty and was the most fair out of several...

Merie Bin Mahfouz Co (UK) Ltd v Barrie House (Freehold) Ltd (2014)

Judgment Date: 08 Dec 14

Mohammed Ghadami v Donegan (2014)

Judgment Date: 27 Nov 14

Summary Although a judge had erred because, in refusing to set aside a statutory demand founded on a unpaid costs order, he had done so on the wrong basis, his decision was upheld because the counterclaim advanced by the subject of the demand in the underlying proceedings which had led...

Stichting Shell Pensioenfonds v Krys & Anor (2014)

Judgment Date: 26 Nov 14

Summary When a company was being wound up in the jurisdiction where it was incorporated, and where a foreign creditor had submitted a proof of debt to the liquidators, that creditor had submitted to the jurisdiction of the court responsible for administering the insolvency process and could not pursue proceedings...

Jacki Mitchell v John Watkinson & Andrew Williams (2014)

Judgment Date: 19 Nov 14

Summary A judge had been entitled to hold that the trustees of a cricket club had had a tenancy without a lease in writing, where a written agreement they had made had not validly created a tenancy but rent had been paid and accepted. He had also been entitled to...

Islamic Investment Company of the Gulf (Bahamas) ltd v Symphony Gems NV & Ors (2014)

Judgment Date: 19 Nov 14

Summary The lifting of a suspended committal order was set aside where a solicitor who had been instructed by a contemnor had, for over three years, been conducting fictitious litigation which had impeded the contemnor's ability to comply with orders and prepare for the committal hearing, and thereby impacted upon...

Standard Chartered Bank LTD v Zungeru Power LTD (2014)

Judgment Date: 14 Nov 14

Summary A bank's application to set aside the registration of a freezing order and an ancillary disclosure order of a Nigerian court under the Administration of Justice Act 1920 s.9 was granted as those orders could not be registered as they were not "judgments" as defined under s.12 of the Act....

Robert Tchenguiz v Serious Fraud Office & Ors (Nov 2014)

Judgment Date: 13 Nov 14

Summary The judge below had been entitled to make an order for costs on the indemnity basis following the claimant's unsuccessful application under the CPR r.31.22; among other things, the fact that the claimant was seeking the relevant documents for extraneous purposes took the case outside the norm. However, there...

Ohna v Goldberg (2014)

Judgment Date: 12 Nov 14

Summary A solicitor had acted negligently in failing to advise an investor that a bank guarantee did not form security for a €3 million investment. Facts The claimant (O) brought a claim in negligence against the defendant solicitor (G) for failing to advise him on the effect of a bank guarantee....